Dead Physicists Society
Yesterday a pal of mine passed on to me, by good old electronic post, a picture. It was a group snap of the attendees of Solvay Conference 5.0. The few seconds the lensman took to click are historic: everyone present, for once, looked at something from the same angle.
But straightaway my trained eye detected that this was a fake. Retouched, as they euphemized. Cowardly photoshopping of the Dark Room ages is how I see it. And so, for the rest of the evening, I spent all my vim on hunting the original down.
My efforts were met with fruit. I came in touch with Ms. Couprie, the great-granddaughter of the photographer. She had apparently had the master negatives developed, scanned, uploaded and desktopped. It took every oz. of my charm -- and a little threatening -- to wheedle her into dispatching a copy in my direction.
And thus, I present here the great tableau as the late Mr Couprie saw it.
In this version, you will notice these:
Lorentz is contracted.
The space occupied by Einstein is curved.
The camera captured Bragg's X-ray.
Dirac sits tallest, like a delta function.
Wherever she went, Curie listened to FM radio actively.
de Broglie waves.
Heisenberg's position is uncertain, a trait he carried to his grave.
Planck had a black body.
does u c cheezburger sticked outta scchrodinga's pockit, sez he lukin' 4 inspration frm any1 who can has it, lol.
Compton is scattered.
Pauli got himself excluded; it was his principle.
But straightaway my trained eye detected that this was a fake. Retouched, as they euphemized. Cowardly photoshopping of the Dark Room ages is how I see it. And so, for the rest of the evening, I spent all my vim on hunting the original down.
My efforts were met with fruit. I came in touch with Ms. Couprie, the great-granddaughter of the photographer. She had apparently had the master negatives developed, scanned, uploaded and desktopped. It took every oz. of my charm -- and a little threatening -- to wheedle her into dispatching a copy in my direction.
And thus, I present here the great tableau as the late Mr Couprie saw it.
In this version, you will notice these:
Lorentz is contracted.
The space occupied by Einstein is curved.
The camera captured Bragg's X-ray.
Dirac sits tallest, like a delta function.
Wherever she went, Curie listened to FM radio actively.
de Broglie waves.
Heisenberg's position is uncertain, a trait he carried to his grave.
Planck had a black body.
does u c cheezburger sticked outta scchrodinga's pockit, sez he lukin' 4 inspration frm any1 who can has it, lol.
Compton is scattered.
Pauli got himself excluded; it was his principle.
10 Obiter dicta:
Interestingly, in the First Solvay Conference (, Solvay WAS worked into the picture as he missed the photo session. He's the ghost-like guy 'sitting' third from the left.
Here's a cool video from the Fifth Conference:
Savour Ehrenfest's laughter and tongue stick-out; he would go on to shoot himself -- not before killing his son first -- in half a dozen years.
wow! you have actually gone through the pain of finding the real picture! Not bad for research ;)
This is really creative stuff Mr. Jar!
If Gorgeous George were one of the bodyguards of the scientists, would you have replaced him with a set of car keys? :D
high funda!
Level da.. As usual creative max bugger :P
i am really speechless. actually, it felt good to see/read all these names again after a long time. sigh...gud old engineering days ;)
and gr8 research man. u have to tell me the whole story someday.
Had a threesome didn't you. Blogging/Writing, Physics, and bad photography.
Had fun whilst watching.
--Unni (Am unable to log in, or by any other means to un-anonymise myself.)
You have hit the half volley out of the park, haven't you.
studd max!!
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